
"Creative Encounters: O. Zouni, N. Kanagini, C. Karas, S. Sorongas"

Metsovo, E. Averoff Foundation
19/04/2024 - 19/04/2024, Temporary exhibition
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The artists that are invited to Metsovo this time, for yet another “Creative Encounter” with the children, with Metsovo, as well as with each other and with visitors to the Gallery, were Opy Zouni, Niki Kanagini, Christos Karras and Sotiris Sorongas. The composed another distinct group who differ in age, concerns, artistic approach and individual development. What was required, naturally, rather than and above any common approach or artistic concern, was diversity and differences among the members of the team – particularly as the essential aim of the “Creative Encounters” is educational and not one of art research.
|Averoff Museum, Metsovo, 5 September – 5 November 1998. 
SPONSOR: Katogi Averoff S.A., Baron Mihail Tossizza Foundation